Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Animal Farm

Animal Farm

I particularly enjoyed reading George Orewell novel, Animal Farm. Animal Farm is a story that deals with morals that humans have struggled with since thee begin of time, and will keep struggling with until the end of time, power. The novel was not limited in telling a story, it illustrated how a society upheld by a dictator will result in corruptness. Throughout history dictators have lied to people, to promote their self-interest, forcing individuals to adhere to their every command. Napoleon was the leader on Animal Farm, who took advantage of the society’s lack of knowledge, which allowed him to execute his own will. Napoleon starved the society and forced the animals to work longer more intense hours, while he reaped all the benefits. This is why I believe Animal Farm is warning us against dictatorship.
I enjoyed how the novel used animals to tell the story. It allows the author to take an intense subject and simplify the story without diminishing the stories meaning. It also allows the reader to focus more on the content of the story, than indulging into the personal lives of the characters. Some of the characters in Animal farm were: Boxer who was depicted as a horse, Squealer (pig), and Snowball (pig). I found these characters interesting because they all at one point or another promoted Napoleon. Boxer was the strongest, hardest working animal on the farm, though his strength and lack of knowledge was often taken advantage of by Napoleon. Boxer’s dedication and loyalty to Napoleon was often expressed through his two motto: “I will work harder” and “Napoleon is always right.” By constantly referencing these remarks he unintentionally promoted Napoleon. Squealer obviously was Napoleon propaganda; he constantly distorted the truth to promote Napoleon political leadership. When Boxer was taken to the glue factory, some animals recognized this for the print on the trailer clearly stated glue factor. The animals started to question Napoleon's decisions. Though Squealer was able to manipulate the animals, by assuring them Boxer had been taken to the hospital, and the print on the side of the trailer was a simple explanation, the humans had recently bought the trailer and forgot to change the sign. Snowball was a very intelligent pig, who lead the revolution to over through Jones. However, Napoleon exceeded Snowball in power by physically using dogs to chases Snowball off the farm. In his absence, he was blamed for all misfortunes that had occurred on the farm. For instance, Snowball originally had an intelligent idea to build a windmill; the windmill would provide the animals warmth in the winter, and allow the animals to work shorter hours. Napoleon diminished the idea of building a windmill; he clearly stated it would be a waste of time. After Snowball passing Napoleon changed his views and actually encouraged the idea. He lied to the animals and said: he had supported the idea from the beginning, and Snowball actually stole the windmill blueprints from him. The windmill was finally built, and the animals celebrated in their accomplishment. Not long after, a storm passed over the farm and desolated the windmill. Snowball was blamed by Napoleon for blowing up the windmill. Napoleon also used the animal fear and hatred toward Snowball to reconstruct history to promote himself.

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